New Music Dublin 2018

Official site →


Average proportion of works per concert

  • 25% female
  • 75% male

Concerts only featuring works by men

8 out of 19

Works performed by author gender

  • 41 male
  • 24 female
  • 0 non-binary


Average proportion of performers per concert

  • 39% female
  • 61% male

Concerts only featuring male performers

3 out of 19

Performers by gender

  • 224 male
  • 244 female
  • 0 non-binary


  • The count used for the RTÉ Philharmonic Choir (1 March) is approximate.
  • The NMDX (2–4 March) and New, Music, Go! (3 March) events do not list the composers or performers involved.
  • We would like to thank the New Music Dublin team for taking the time to help us with the collection of some of these data.